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    Cybersecurity threats changing quickly. More people working remotely. Businesses need digital identity verification solutions more than ever to use cloud services, and making online transactions. These solutions help confirm customer identities and kee...

    Cybersecurity threats changing quickly. More people working remotely. Businesses need digital identity verification solutions more than ever to use cloud services, and making online transactions. These solutions help confirm customer identities and keep sensitive information safe from unauthorized access.

    New technologies like artificial intelligence, biometrics, and passwordless authentication are making security stronger. These advancements help businesses deal with ongoing cybersecurity challenges and build trust with their customers.

    Importance of User Authentication

    Good user authentication methods keep sensitive information safe and stop unauthorized access. It helps prevent identity theft and impersonation by verifying who users are. It ultimately helps in ensuring only the real owner can access their accounts.

    Also, many industries have strict rules about data protection and privacy. Using strong authentication methods helps you follow these rules. It can keep you out of legal trouble and help you avoid fines.

    Read the entire article on the Is it hacked blog: https://isithacked.com/blog/top-authentication-tre...

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      OWASP is a non-profit foundation focused on web application security. It offers freely accessible resources like forums, tools, videos, and documentation on their website. Their notable projects include the OWASP Top 10. It highlights web app securi...

      OWASP is a non-profit foundation focused on web application security. It offers freely accessible resources like forums, tools, videos, and documentation on their website. Their notable projects include the OWASP Top 10. It highlights web app security concerns. The OWASP API Security Top 10 identifies prevalent API security risks.

      An Overview of Top 10 2024 OWASP API Security Risks

      1) BOLA

      Broken Object Level Authorization represents a critical vulnerability that comes from the failure to validate permissions of a user to execute a specific action on an object. It can potentially result in the unauthorized access, modification, or deletion of data.

      According to OWASP this API security threat is widespread and exploitable. It is moderate in its business aspect and can be detected as well.

      • It is essential to implement a robust authorization mechanism to mitigate this vulnerability.
      • Developers should conduct thorough checks to validate actions of a user on individual records.

      They should also perform comprehensive security tests prior to implementing any changes in a production environment. Organizations can significantly reduce the risk of BOLA vulnerabilities and safeguard sensitive data from unauthorized access and manipulation by following to these precautions.

      2) Broken Authorization

      This API security risk represents a significant security vulnerability that arises when an application's authentication endpoints are unable to identify attackers who are posing as someone else and subsequently grant them partial or complete access to the account.

      It is crucial to have visibility and understanding of all potential authentication API endpoints to mitigate this vulnerability.

      Read the entire article on the Typing AI Biometrics blog: https://typing.ai/blog/introduction-to-owasp-api-security-top-10-2024

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        AI has been making significant strides in recent years, particularly in the field of generative AI. Generative AI refers to machines and algorithms that can create new content. This new content includes images, text, and even music based on patterns and d...

        AI has been making significant strides in recent years, particularly in the field of generative AI. Generative AI refers to machines and algorithms that can create new content. This new content includes images, text, and even music based on patterns and data.

        One of the latest trends in generative AI is the emergence of Vertical AI. It promises to revolutionize how AI is applied in specific industries.

        #genai #AI #artificialintelligence #Biometrics #typingbiometrics #generativeai #authentication #MFA #2FA


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          Are you a startup looking to join one of the most serious, intensive and helpful Startups Accelerator Program? We recommend the Fil Rouge Capital #FRCW24 program. Applications are now open!Going Beyond the OrdinaryAt Fil Rouge Capital, the accelerator p...

          Are you a startup looking to join one of the most serious, intensive and helpful Startups Accelerator Program? We recommend the Fil Rouge Capital #FRCW24 program. Applications are now open!

          Going Beyond the Ordinary

          At Fil Rouge Capital, the accelerator program offers more than just financial support. Selected startups are promised a treasure trove of value that extends beyond monetary benefits. The post highlights a myriad of perks awaiting successful applicants from tech giants such as Amazon, Microsoft, and more, emphasizing the limitless possibilities that come with being a part of the FRC community.

          What's in Store for Applicants?

          The post outlines the enticing offerings awaiting successful applicants:

          • Financial Support: Applicants have the right, though not an obligation, to invest a minimum of EUR 50,000 from FRC's next investment fund, with the potential for further follow-up investments from FRC and its co-investors.
          • Mentorship: Full access to the extensive FRC mentor network, providing valuable guidance and support.
          • Dedicated Lead Mentor: Each selected startup will have a dedicated Lead mentor from Fil Rouge Capital's esteemed principals, ensuring personalized guidance throughout the program.
          • Educational Opportunities: Access to exclusive seminars led by industry experts to enhance knowledge and skills.
          • In-House Perks: A variety of in-house perks designed to elevate startups during the program.

          #startups #startup #eustartups #eustartp #VC #FilRougeCapital #FRC #startupsuccess #startupsineurope #capitalforthebold #boldstartups


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            n an era where the internet plays a pivotal role in our daily lives, ensuring cybersecurity is more critical than ever. As we navigate through the digital landscape in 2024, the risks and threats continue to evolve. To safeguard your online presence and p...

            n an era where the internet plays a pivotal role in our daily lives,

            ensuring cybersecurity is more critical than ever. As we navigate

            through the digital landscape in 2024, the risks and threats continue to

            evolve. To safeguard your online presence and protect sensitive

            information, here are essential cybersecurity recommendations for

            browsing safely on the internet.

            1. Keep software and systems updated

            One of the fundamental aspects of cybersecurity is regularly updating your software and operating systems. Developers frequently release updates to patch vulnerabilities and enhance security. Ensure that your operating system, antivirus software, browsers, and other applications are up-to-date. Enable automatic updates when possible to stay protected against the latest cyber threats.

            2. Use strong and unique passwords

            Passwords are the first line of defense against unauthorized access. Create strong, complex passwords for your online accounts, combining uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using easily guessable information such as birthdays or names. Additionally, consider using a reputable password manager to generate and store unique passwords for each of your accounts.

            3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

            Two factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification, typically a code sent to your mobile device. Enable 2FA whenever possible, especially for critical accounts like email, banking, and social media. This additional step makes it significantly more challenging for unauthorized individuals to gain access to your accounts.

            Read the entire article on the Protectumus blog: https://protectumus.com/blog/details/cybersecurity...

            1. 2
              In the age of rapid technological advancements, deepfake technology has emerged as a double-edged sword. While it presents exciting possibilities for entertainment and creative expression, it also poses a significant threat to individuals and societ...

              In the age of rapid technological advancements, deepfake technology has emerged as a double-edged sword. While it presents exciting possibilities for entertainment and creative expression, it also poses a significant threat to individuals and society as a whole. Deepfake fraud is the malicious use of manipulated audio and video content. It has the potential to undermine trust, compromise security, and wreak havoc on unsuspecting victims.

              Deepfake fraud attempts have increased by 3000% this year. (Source)

              In this comprehensive guide, we will explore deepfake fraud and effective strategies to protect ourselves against this emerging threat.

              Read the entire article on the Typing Biometrics blog: https://typing.ai/blog/how-to-protect-against-deepfake-fraud

              1. 2
                The digital world has become more interconnected and dynamic than ever. However, the innovations in websites have also led to increased cyber vulnerabilities. About 30,000 sites get hacked daily.Well, the statistics are quite scary, but you can still prot...

                The digital world has become more interconnected and dynamic than ever. However, the innovations in websites have also led to increased cyber vulnerabilities. About 30,000 sites get hacked daily.

                Well, the statistics are quite scary, but you can still protect yourself by considering the right website security practices. This comprehensive guide will certainly help you to learn about the present website security threats state with different ways to protect your site from these security threats.

                The current state of security threats for websites today

                Here is a quick overview of websites’ security threats state at present:

                • Phishing attacks remain one of the most prevalent and effective methods used by cybercriminals. Attackers usually impersonate legitimate identities through emails, SMS, or even social media to trick users into sharing sensitive information, like login credentials or financial data.
                • Ransomware attacks have become increasingly common and devastating. Once a website is infected, the attacker encrypts critical files and demands a ransom in exchange for the decryption key.
                • Cross-site scripting attacks use vulnerabilities in code of your site. It allows security attackers to inject infected scripts into your web pages that users view. These scripts can steal sensitive information or even hijack user sessions.
                • ..

                Read the entire article in the Protectumus blog page: https://protectumus.com/blog/details/how-to-protect-your-website-from-security-threats-in-2024

                1. 2
                  The Europas Tech Startup Awards Gala Lunch + Afterparty, established by Techcrunch’s Mike Butcher, co-curated by Dianne See Morrison, and orchestrated by Dataconomy’s Elena Poughia, shone as a standout among the auxiliary events. This startup award...

                  The Europas Tech Startup Awards Gala Lunch + Afterparty, established by Techcrunch’s Mike Butcher, co-curated by Dianne See Morrison, and orchestrated by Dataconomy’s Elena Poughia, shone as a standout among the auxiliary events. This startup award ceremony held at Lisbon’s Estufa Fria, nestled within the city’s opulent botanical gardens in Parque Eduardo VII, outshone the WebSummit. Its meticulously curated guest list, sophisticated ambiance, and an electrifying roster of startups made it a highlight.

                  1. 2
                    The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, but it has also introduced new risks. The fact is truer, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity. Hackers are increasingly leveraging AI to exploit vulnerabili...

                    The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, but it has also introduced new risks. The fact is truer, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity. Hackers are increasingly leveraging AI to exploit vulnerabilities and launch sophisticated attacks on websites.

                    In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the potential threats posed by AI hacks and provide you with detailed strategies to protect your website against them.

                    Learn more about AI hacks.

                    Here are different types of AI hacks you should know:

                    Adversarial Attacks

                    Adversarial attacks involve manipulating AI models by injecting malicious data to deceive algorithms and generate false outcomes. These attacks exploit the vulnerabilities of AI algorithms to trick them into making incorrect decisions. Adversarial attacks can be used to bypass security measures, such as image recognition systems, spam filters, or even voice recognition systems.

                    AI-Generated Malware

                    Cybercriminals can develop AI-powered malware that adapts and evolves to avoid detection by traditional security measures. AI-generated malware can learn from its environment, modify its behavior, and even create new attack patterns, making it extremely difficult to detect and mitigate.

                    Read the entire article on the Protectumus website security blog: https://protectumus.com/blog/details/how-to-protec...

                    1. 3
                      In the ever-evolving landscape of web security, PHP malware and viruses pose a significant threat to websites, potentially compromising sensitive data, disrupting services, and tarnishing the reputation of online platforms. Protectumus, a leading We...

                      In the ever-evolving landscape of web security, PHP malware and viruses pose a significant threat to websites, potentially compromising sensitive data, disrupting services, and tarnishing the reputation of online platforms. Protectumus, a leading Website Security & Performance provider, leverages AI and Machine Learning to counteract these threats effectively. In this article, we'll explore the nuances of PHP malware, the potential risks they bring, and the advanced strategies Protectumus employs to safeguard websites.

                      Understanding PHP Malware

                      PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely used server-side scripting language, making it a prime target for cybercriminals seeking to exploit vulnerabilities. PHP malware typically infiltrates web servers through code injection, compromised plugins, or vulnerable themes. Once embedded, these malicious scripts can perform a myriad of activities, including data theft, defacement, and unauthorized access.

                      Read the entire article on Protectumus blog: https://protectumus.com/blog/details/how-to-protec...